Staff Training

  • Staff Training

All drivers complete the FORS Online E-Learning training sessions including:-

  • Cycle Awareness
  • Fuel Efficient Driving
  • Security and Counter Terrorism
  • Truck Smart
  • Van Smart
  • Smart Driving
  • LoCITY - time to clean up for drivers
  • Driver CPC training up to date

All LGV Drivers have attended the Safe Urban Driving course where they spend a day learning about what it is like being a cyclist on our roads in this day and age, and includes a 3 hour practical session where they ride bicycles on busy roads

All Drivers of the new Volvo FH-4 Tractor units have attended a full days training each on learning how the safety features work and how to get the best fuel efficiency

Hiab Drivers qualified for Allmi / CSCS training to D1+E level (covers all sized lorry mounted cranes) refreshed 5 yearly

Hiab Drivers qualified for Allmi / CSCS Slinger/Signaller, refreshed 5 yearly

Hiab Drivers Safety Harness training, refreshed 5 yearly

ADR Drivers are trained to minimum Classes 2,3,4,5,6,8,& 9 for packages, refreshed 5 yearly

Selected Drivers trained for IPAF, to load and unload access equipment

Transport Office Team completed E-Learning FORS Collision Management courses- Road Risk Champion and Collision Investigator

Transport Office Team completed E-Learning LoCITY Time to clean up for Managers.

Transport Office Team receive Air Cargo (Regulated Agent) Security Training EU 185/2010: - 11.2.7/

Drivers and all workshop staff trained on Fork Lift Trucks up to 15 Tonnes SWL refreshed 3 yearly.

3 new recruits are currently working through the Driving Goods Vehicles Level 3 Trailblazer Apprenticeship Scheme

All Employees DBS Security Cleared

All members of staff complete relevant Online E-Learning Health and Safety Courses, including:- Environmental Awareness

All Health & Safety topics